Kernel Problem

The song might help with feeling this article when using Kaggle or Colab platform for install something, you might see the warning:you may need to restart the kernel use updated packages .So what is the proper way to restart? here we go! in kaggle as searched on the forum, you can press the fresh button and go on in Colab


The song might help with feeling this article quantum computing books and class quantum compting starts from Richard Feynman and Yuri Mannin in 1980s, its instinct from the big question which confused Physists from decade —– how could we describe a system with simple models ? Since the quantum evolution inspired the physicists’ briands. it has be wildly used in many fields, for instance, quantum chemistry, could do simulations for chemistry reactions or structures expections.


The song might help with feeling this article BERTi is a new con


马瘦毛长蹄子胖,两口子睡觉争热炕。。。 初三十三二十三,两口子吃饭把门关。。。 南北大道东西走,十字街前门咬狗。。。 天上一阵黑古冬,好似白面往下